Multiverse Blog

Karin Hauck
/ Categories: In-Focus

Cal Day at the Space Sciences Lab!


Join us for Cal Day, Saturday, April 12th, from 11am-5pm, the one day each year that UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Lab opens its doors to the public. Shuttles will be transporting the public every 20 minutes from Hearst Mining Circle on campus to SSL.  Activities include walking tours of UC Berkeley’s cutting-edge space science research lab, as well as talks on topics such the upcoming lunar eclipse, a career panel on cool jobs at the lab, and hands-on activities for all ages! 


Walking Tours See UC Berkeley’s cutting-edge space science research lab. Learn about the illustrious 50-year history of NASA missions, visit our 60′ high bay, the cosmochemistry laboratories that analyzed lunar samples, a clean room where a Hubble instrument was built, and a Nobel laureate’s office. Tours start at 11 am and leave every 20 minutes to 4:40pm.

Adventures in Space Sciences Passports to Science@Cal


Look through a solar telescope. Explore the world of science with your Passport to Science@Cal! Pick up a passport at any location listed below, and begin your journey! At each of your destinations, your passport will get a fun stamp or sticker to show where your travels have taken you. Recommended for ages 6 to 12.

Talks and Panels below will be in the Addition Conference Room

1 – 2 pm   Lunar Eclipse Lowdown, Nancy Alima Ali & Bryan Mendez

A total lunar eclipse will be visible in California just after midnight on April 15, 2014! Come find out when and how to observe the eclipse, learn about celestial conditions that cause lunar eclipses, explore cultural perspectives of eclipses and get updates about current lunar research.

2 – 3 pm   Cool Careers in Space Science – panel discussion

How do you get to do the cool jobs at the Space Sciences Lab? Please join us for an informal panel discussion with scientists, engineers and students to learn about the various paths that have led them to the exciting work that goes on at our laboratory. Don’t miss this great opportunity to explore careers in Space Science.


3 – 4 pm  Imaging With Neutrons: Can You See a Flower Through a Granite Wall? Dr. Anton Tremsin

There are new developments of imaging and detection technology, developed for NASA missions at this laboratory, that extend to research iin such diverse fields as materials science, energy research, cultural heritage, aerospace engineering, and many others! Learn how you can see a drop of oil inside of an aluminum-block car engine, water flow inside metal pipes, and stresses in metals.

Visit Our Neighbor: Lawrence Hall of Science

See how the Hall is inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers, and designers. Have your Science@Cal passport stamped as you explore the wonderful world of science, and get a free paper “Bunny Copter” to test in our wind tubes. Join free Planetarium presentations, design your own nano creations, and explore real-time datasets on Science On a Sphere. For more information, visit the Hall’s Cal Day page [link to:]



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