B.A.T.S. Takes Flight Thanks to Grant from Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund!
No, that’s not a grammatical error in the title. B.A.T.S. stands for Bay Area Teen Science, an active and united group of Bay Area youth and youth science program providers that are working together to provide safe, fun, and social science learning and career building events for Bay Area teens. Through a generous grant from the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund, B.A.T.S. is taking flight in 2013 with youth-driven Teen Science Nights, Science Career Fairs, Community Star Parties, Program Exchanges, and Social Media Discussions on a variety of science, technology, and engineering topics. The initiative's core members are known as The B.A.T.S. Collaborative and currently include Multiverse, California Academy of Sciences, Chabot Space & Science Center, Exploratorium, and the Oakland Zoo. To find out more about the Collaborative members' youth programs, please visit the following websites:
Providers of “out of school time” science programs for Bay Area teens are invited to join the B.A.T.S. listserv by sending an email to BATS-request@lists.berkeley.edu with the word “subscribe” in the subject line. The listserv allows users to stay connected, share ideas, get advice, send out invitations, and announce or discuss opportunities for collaboration and partnership. In addition, all Bay Area teens are encouraged to follow B.A.T.S. on Facebook and Twitter to stay apprised of B.A.T.S. events and other exciting science opportunities. An official B.A.T.S. website is also coming soon. If you know of someone that B.A.T.S. may be of service to, please help us spread the word!