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Karin Hauck
/ Categories: In-Focus

Webinar Series: Interpreting the Great American Total Solar Eclipse

For the first time in over a century, a total solar eclipse will be visible over the entire US on August 21, 2017.

For the first time in over a century,  a total solar eclipse will be visible over the entire United States, August 21, 2017.

To help you prepare for the many thousands of additional visitors expected at public sites, please join any or all of our Eclipse 2017 webinars, developed and presented by Earth to Sky and NASA Heliophysics Educator Consortium.

About the Webinar Series
Through interactive sessions, the Earth to Sky Interpreting the Eclipse webinar series will provide opportunities for interpreters and other informal educators to learn from NASA experts about the science and mechanics of a total solar eclipse, the nature of our Sun, recent research about Earth’s Moon, and how the Sun‐Earth-‐Moon system interactions affect life on our planet; learn about and gain access to a variety of eclipse‐related  hands­‐on activities and many NASA eclipse resources; and explore and exchange ideas for interpreting the eclipse, including ways to tie this amazing celestial event to natural and cultural themes at your site. Check our Events page to see when the next one is.
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