Multiverse Blog

Karin Hauck
/ Categories: In-Focus

CANCELLED: Save the Date: Cal Day! Sat., Apr. 18, 2020




We're all about space! Join us for Cal Day, Saturday, April 18th, 2020, from 12 noon-5pm, the one day each year that the  Space Sciences Lab at UC Berkeley opens its doors to the public. Shuttles will be transporting the public every 20 minutes or so from Hearst Mining Circle on campus to Space Sciences Lab (the last stop after Lawrence Hall of Science).  Activities include walking tours of UC Berkeley’s cutting-edge space science research lab, as well as talks on current research and hands-on activities for all ages! 

Walking Tours

(11:00 am - 4:00 pm) See UC Berkeley’s cutting-edge space science research lab. Learn about the illustrious 50-year history of NASA missions, visit our 60′ high bay, the cosmochemistry laboratories that analyzed lunar samples, peek into our Mission Operations Center from which we operate six NASA satellites, and more. Tours start at 11 am and leave every half hour to 4:00 pm. Each station will have someone to explain what you want to know. Last tour 4:00 p.m.

Tech Talks

20-minute talks on current research, technology, and NASA missions, taking place on the hour from 12-3 pm (12 noon, 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00).

Our Space Missions (narrated slide show)

The history of Space Sciences Lab and the missions that were worked on here through science, instrumentation, or data analysis.


(inside and outside 11 am -5 pm)

  • Machine shop — Visit our machine shop where we build instruments and parts that go into space! It takes a special shop to build things for space.
  • Solar telescope (weather permitting) — Look at our Sun through specially -filtered telescopes and you may see solar activity such as flares, prominences and sunspots.
  • Activity tables, such as one featuring ICON, our latest satellite mission, which will include a life-size ICON payload model, videos, activities and giveaways. Watch a microwave activity using grapes that will demonstrate how one of our Parker Solar Probe instruments works.
  • For kids — Sun-Earth Game, space-related chalk drawing in the lot (weather permitting).

Visit Our Neighbor: Lawrence Hall of Science

See how the Hall is inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers, and designers. Have your Science@Cal Adventure Book stamped as you explore the wonderful world of science. Join free Planetarium presentations, design your own nano creations, and explore real-time datasets on Science On a Sphere. For more information, visit the Hall’s Cal Day page [link to:]



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