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Last Post 5/19/2015 1:52 PM by  Claire Raftery
The Sun
 1 Replies
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5/19/2015 9:21 AM
    Can the Sun orbit another Sun, a planet, or any other mass in space?
    Tags: sun, orbit, Mass, planet

    Claire Raftery

    New Member

    New Member

    5/19/2015 1:52 PM
    Yes, there are other stars out there that are rotating around other stars. You even get two stars rotating around each other, like a pair of dancers. These are called binary stars. Technically everything is rotating about everything else, but in practice, the more massive objects, such as stars, are generally not perturbed much by other bodies, so it looks more like they are still (even though that's not quite true) and smaller, less massive bodies such as planets, rotate about them. So while you could see two stars orbiting each other, I don't think you would get a star orbiting a planet. It would always be the other way around.
